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The Dirt: October 2015

The last month has seen pretty significant changes for the area. The Silver Spring Transit Center opened and four people’s brains literally exploded – just in time for Halloween and the Silver Spring Zombie Walk. While we’ve got some important infrastructure completed, we’re also seeing some new pieces breaking ground with Progress Place’s new location

The Dirt September 2015

The Dirt: September 2015

Booyah! Mid-September and I’m submitting this month’s The Dirt! Look how psyched I am to be on time and praising myself for doing something everyone else does every day of their lives. Blam! This month, we have quite a few developments. I do take some solace in knowing that some of these items have not

First Baptist Church Silver Spring Demolition

The Dirt: August 2015

What’s going on Silver Spring? Thinking through this ongoing series, and how we manage it, I can’t help but think of how much value there is in it, both for us, as well as our audience. With the slowdown of so many blogs (Just Up The Pike, Silver Spring Singular, My Line is Red) in