Digital Marketing is a broad category of marketing that includes many channels that have emerged since the end of the last millenium. Sound dramatic? You know digital marketing: social media marketing, newsletter/email marketing, digital banner ads and a handful of other slightly less well known forms. Regardless of how well you know it, chances are you’ve been subject to one or another. While one might be the latest buzz, each channel offers an opportunity to bring traffic to your business and potentially convert that traffic into revenue… if you do it right.
Amongst the many forms of digital marketing, we bring a wealth of experience in several disciplines including those below:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – Have you ever Googled something? SEO is the discipline to get your website to show up in search results for a given search query.
Social Media Marketing – The shining star of digital marketing. Everyone’s talking about it, and a lot of people are doing it wrong. Everyone says you have to do it. They may say it’s free, but isn’t your time worth money? Is it really free?
Newsletter (Email) Marketing – One of the original forms of digital marketing, don’t let the endless spam filling up your inbox fool you into thinking this isn’t a viable marketing channel. A well-run email campaign that respects your email list can be an effective tool for earning customers.
Paid Search Marketing (Pay Per Click) – Show up quickly at the top of the search results, but you had better know what you’re doing. Paying for irrelevant visitors, or not being able to convert them to customers can cost you a lot just as quickly.
Digital Banner Ads – If you’ve ever used the internet, you’ve seen digital banner ads. Maybe you’ve seen the slightly-creepy digital banner ads that follow you after you’ve visited a website called Remarketing. We can help you do that. We can help you be slightly creepy.
Already using digital marketing? Are you measuring the return on investment? You should be. If not, let us help you with your Analytics.