We’re proud to announce our partnership with JH Photography. Owner Jonna Huseman has been providing us with gorgeous photographs for many of our interviews and you can expect to see more, as well as possibly featuring some articles and outstanding photographic exhibits on the site.
A resident of Silver Spring for 5 years, Jonna and her partner were literally packed up and ready to move to LA for a job opportunity. Upon facing the reality of the move across the country, they realized that they had grown to love our wonderful city and the best decision would be to stay where they were happy. In Jonna’s words, “There’s no price you can put on happiness.” We’re ecstatic with their choice and glad to have their talents contributing to our amazing community.
Enter to Win a Free Photo Shoot
To celebrate their city, JH Photography is throwing a contest to find out what you love about Silver Spring. Simply fill out the form, explain what you love about Silver Spring, and you could win a free photo session. It’s super easy. Enter now and tell your friends. You need to update your profile pictures, anyway.