Paige’s Kefa Contest Sample Submission

Contest Extended!

Silver Spring Inc.’s Why do you love Kefa? contest has been extended to Friday, August 22nd.  Paige Hirsch will then go through all of the submissions and select a winner that will be announced on the site Monday, August 25th.  The winner will receive a custom piece by Paige designed specifically for them.  We will be happy to answer any questions and provide further details at Paige’s Gallery Reception on Friday, July 18th from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at Kefa Cafe


Original Post:

To help inspire those toiling away on their own submissions, and allow Silver Spring Inc. to share it’s own love of Kefa, here is a sonnet written by Nate Fisher.  Remember, entries can be in any format as long as it expresses your love for Kefa Cafe.  Play to your strengths. Do what you love and have fun!


Ode To Kefa

Oh house of yellow brick, let me not disgrace
With vile descriptive simplicity.
Such trite words speak not of your inner space,
Nor your role as the soul of a city.

Tranquil beast, you destroyer through keen wares.
Wrecker of shops born of loud signs and sounds.
Your food has inspired countless love affairs,
Others coffee turned mud by your fair-trade grounds.

Thee who dared to weather the storm of years.
A testament to both your walls and heart.
From those walls came a gallery for peers,
Such hunger, you raider of the lost art.

When sleep doth loom, when sun refuses to glow,
And my soul, weary from a routine haunt.
I drag myself up to journey and know
My salvation lies just down Bonifant…

In smiles from Abeba and Lene,
The heart and soul, why I love Kefa Café!


The contest deadline is July 16th. Be sure to send in your submissions so that we can share why you love Kefa Cafe as well!

Please email digital submissions to [email protected] or for physical submissions / hard copies use:
“Kefa Love”
P.O. Box 8103
Silver Spring MD, 20907


For more information take a look at the original contest post here.

Be sure to check out Silver Spring Inc.’s Profile on Paige to learn more about her and her art here.


Does Nate’s Ode To Kefa capture why you love Kefa Cafe? Have any unanswered questions about the contest? Please share your thoughts and questions in the comments below.


Nate Fisher
I am part Dramatic Writer, part Forensic Scientist, a bit of a Jack-of-all-trades and all child at heart. I joined Silver Spring Inc as Content Manager in June 2014 and haven’t stopped smiling since. I’m passionate about movies, nostalgia, meeting new friends, making people smile and helping them accomplish their dreams. As a newcomer to Silver Spring I just want to keep watching and see where it’s going. From an outside perspective, it was clear upon moving here that there is something very special happening in this city right now. It’s my mission to help the Silver Spring community continue to grow and enjoy the ride.

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